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Myanmar Festivals in November

November is one of the most festive months in Myanmar when a variety of colorful festivals with a series of religious rituals occur.

The Full-moon Festival Tazaungmone

Time: In the full-moon day of Tazaungmone month
Duration: 1 day
Location: Southern Shan State

As one of the most spectacular festivals of Myanmar, the hot-air balloon festival held annually in November in Taunggyi, commonly known as the festival Tazaungdaing Taunggyi. Thousands of local and international visitors travel to Taunggyi to see the giant hot-air balloon made of paper lit with candles and released to the night sky. The festival marks the end of the rain season in Myanmar as well as the end of the Kathina Season in Myanmar. The Buddhists offer the clothes and many other items to the monks.

Taking Myanmar trips this time, you will have a chance to marvel at 9,999 candles are lit up to offer to Buddha in the Koehtatkyi Pagoda on the night of full moon day of Tazaungmone. The number 9 is believed as the lucky number meaning free of enemies and diseases. At 4 pm, traditional harp and music will be performed to prepare for the grand ceremony commenced at 5 pm. At the auspicious hour, all candles are illuminated and firework performances are displayed. At midnight, people will gather and eat vegetable curry to avoid all diseases.

The full-moon festival Tazaungmone

Shwezigone Pagoda Festival

Time: From the full-moon day of Tazaungmone month
Duration: 15 days
Location: Nyaung U, near Bagan, Mandalay
Shwezigone Pagoda Festival is held in Tazaungmone moth in Myanmar calendar. In the full-moon day, the people offer the food to monks and novices. Like the other festivals in Myanmar, there are many shops, stalls selling local produce such as lacquerware, pottery, cotton bags… the visitors come here can enjoy the tasty food from the stalls and buy souvenirs from the shops.

Monks at Shwezigone Pagoda Festival

Phowintaung Pagoda Festival

Time: from 14th of Tazaungmone month
Duration: 2 days
Location: Monywa, Sagaing state
Like many other festivals in Myanmar, the festival also has many games and the local also sells their products such as Thanakha wood, Sandalwood wood, Brocade…

A number of vendors and merchants sell their products such as Myanmar thanaka, sandalwood, and woven textiles. After that, they will donate the number of profits to the pagoda. Moreover, it is an occasion for people to visit family and friends. Of course, attendees do not miss to take part in traditional dances and songs at the festival.

Buddha statues in Pho Win Taung Pagoda

Shwesandaw Pagoda Festival (Pyay)

Time: The full-moon day of Tazaungmone month
Duration: 1 day
Location: Pyay, Bago Region
Shwesandaw Pagoda Festival is one of the largest pilgrimages in Myanmar. The festival attracts many pilgrims and visitors from many regions of Myanmar. It is a unique chance for pilgrims and travelers to see the Buddha’s tooth relic.
Around the pagoda, the market is a bustling market with vendors and merchant stores selling a wide range of goods from religious icons and household items to handicraft products like lacquerware and silk longyi (a traditional Burmese skirt). Besides, numerous traditional plays and Burmese drum and cymbal orchestras’ competitions are performed.

Shwesandaw Pagoda Festival