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Travel Around Myanmar on Pick-up Trucks

Japanese-made pick-up trucks include three rows of bench seats in the covered back. Most pickups are used to yoke the short-distance destinations and they make many cease along the way to pick up people or cargo. To travel some useful or necessary routes in your Myanmar trip, such as from Mandalay to Amarapura, from Myingyan to Meiktila, from Bagan to Mt Popa, and up to the Golden Rock at Kyaiktiyo, pickups are the best choice. Unlike buses, they show up regularly during the day.
A loaded truck on dusty road in BaganWhen compared to local bus trips of the same size, the fares are not cheaper, and prices often go up after dark. If you want, however, you should pay 25% to 50% extra for a seat in the front row. Sometimes you may share your seat with a monk riding for free and you have to pay for the whole front, so don’t be surprised if the driver charges you for it.
The journey on pickups is often taken from the bus or railway station (they wait around under a big banyan tree at the center of some towns) and sometimes, they roam through the central streets to catch more passengers.